A powerful journey from living with an artificial heart to a heart transplant....

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Two Days Later

Well I travelled down to Toronto to see my amazing sister in law today and she looked INCREDIBLE!!! She was sitting up in a chair and had the most amazing colour to her face that I have seen in a long time. You can even see her rosy cheeks in the picture! :) It is hard to believe that this girl just had a brand new heart placed in her chest less than 48 hours prior!!!!!

And of course my smiling little man in the waiting room....he isn't able to go in to see his Aunty A while she is in the ICU.

She is having some pain in her right arm and hand but the doctors figure it is from either the way she was positioned for the long hours (during surgery), or perhaps one of her many many needles hit a nerve. As well both legs don't have much feeling and are "tingly" so they are keeping an eye. Neurology was in tonight to see her but no word on their thoughts or the tests they want to run.

I wasn't able to spend a lot of time with her today as she had already been sitting for quite a while and she needed to rest before physio was to come at 3pm. I am proud to say that she did do SOME walking later on this afternoon!!! She amazes me every minute that I think of her. And I am just SO SO SO proud to call her my sister!

The doctors are just amazed at how well she is doing and so are all of us!!!!!!!!!!!!

One other thing....I am asking people to leave a little "note" on their thoughts/feelings/good wishes for Andrea. I am going to make up a little book for her and I am hoping to give that to her on Christmas Day. I think she would LOVE to see how many people are thinking of her. Well I don't think, I know. Aren't I just one kick ass sister in law?! hahaha

So keep those prayers a coming...they have definitely worked thus far!


  1. Shannon, thank you so much for keeping the blog updated so that we can all follow Andrea's amazing progress.

    Andrea, I'm thinking about you and sending you my best thoughts all day long. You are an amazing inspiration, as is your donor and their family. ~Veronica

  2. Walking.....YOU WHAT??!!? Hold on there sister, I know you're one tough bird and all, but just LIVING through the procedure is enough for now, OK? No need to show of Ms Tough Guy.

    But seriously, well done.

  3. Welcome Andrea to my club! I am a heart transplant for Kitchener and a nurse as well. Lois Green of Cardiac Rehab suggests we get in touch once you are home. Have a speedy recovery! I was at TGH on the 23rd for my biopsy but I was not aware you were in the CVICU. My thoughts and prayers are with you
    Sue Hilton

  4. Yes, Andrea, there is a Santa Claus! Your dreams and the dreams of many people around you have come true. Now all you have to do is keep up that fighting spirit you have within. Thank you for being our reason to believe this season. Merry Christmas Andrea, and best wishes for a Healthy New Year.
    Kourtney, St Mary's Foundation

  5. Hi Andrea! Merry Christmas and Happy New Heart Year!!!! Geoff and Alicia are so very happy for you. My mom was ecstatic and Geoff's mom said she had been praying for you every morning and then I think she cried. My two closest friends were also crying with joy for you. Keep your ever-positive spirit, and next year you can be my new heart pal!!!!

  6. I have been checking your blog daily and my tears of joy have been rolling, rolling rolling! My boys and Will send their love and best wishes too. ~ Pippy.

  7. Jaynee and are so excited for U.
    She went around on pins and needles the day U got the call.
    Thank God U made it to the good side. Jaynee flies here Monday.
    Way to Go Girl.

  8. Andrea,
    I am thrilled to see you doing so well and sitting up two days post surgery. I am in need of a heart transplant also, and your success with this (and your continued success) is a huge inspiration to me. I am definitely praying for you and your family.

