Yesterday we had a scheduled appointment at Toronto General Hospital. They do blood work, read Vito (my LVAD), do a physical exam and have a little chat. I just love my transplant/LVAD team. I couldn't ask for better, smarter people. Everything is good. No concerns.
They tell me that I'm at the top of the list. And I have been for quite some time now. I would think since my false alarm in April, maybe before that. Doc also told me that there has been some potential donors for me but they just don't work out. They do several tests and assessments before I even get a call. I think my worst enemy right now is my size.
I also had the pleasure of meeting another VAD patient. She was implanted 6 weeks ago and she looked fabulous! I remember my six week marker. I was not feeling so good and I couldn't straighten my back. I walked like a hunch back for quite a while. It was so wonderful to meet this lady and I wish her the best.
I learned that there are 16 patients with a VAD out of TGH! That's at least double last years volume. TGH will have a clinic day just for VAD patients now. I think it will be a great opportunity to meet with my pump-pals.
TGH is putting in three different types of LVADs now. One being my
Heartmate 2, another the
Duraheart and lastly
HeartWare. Here are a few helpful pics.
Heartmate 2:



My pump-pal Josh
From the Bottom of my LVAD found this interesting picture from
this site with the different devices. It illustrates the growth of the LVAD. Notice the difference in weight as the VADs progress. Our next major change will be when the VAD is designed to have no exterior power source. Wouldn't that be great?